Drew been outta the gym a week now.... make sure you guys check on him :)
Always repping Gerald.... appreciate you
I jkust killed arms tonight... my least favorite day of the week!!! Did some calfs too.... oh and stairs!!! I took Prevail only today... pump and focus was awesome!!!
Anytime there is a scheduled meet and greet guys please let me know ahead of time so I can make you guys a priority... I can make it happen!!!
@Mark Worthington Hit up me or Drew if there is any issues please.
Using Repair Intra I feel is best to be honest. Try it and see how it is for a week or two.
Yes, there are so many vaiations today then the standard squat bro... Do I prefer them? YES But if you can't what can you do that does not bother ur knees... let me know.
@Gerald Strong I see you and @DrewNolan are on the same pull up width routine!!! Nice!!!
@Lou Parmelee Got some guns on you bro!!!
Was going to go. Got family that lives in Ohio. But ended up in Michigan. Hopefully next year
Legs were my favorite for a very long time. Over the last few years I really enjoy back work. Being able to feel the back work and the slight discomfortbthe next day. Legs just hurt anymore for a f...
Fuz, thanks brother. Not quite to retirement yet. Looking at a couple years still. I am just taking classes so I can transition into something I want to do instead of what I have to do. Looking at ...
Deload week is over. Looking so forward to Sunday morning and starting round 2 of 4 days a week. I am feeling the difference, this round I should start seeing the results. I will share some pics af...