Happiest of birthdays bro! FuZ
Hi Jay, had a quick question about rack pulls. They are a new movement for me and Im on week 7 of doing them in the 4 day a week workouts from your get shredded guide. I slightly tweaked by lower ...
Hi everyone, Jay did a YouTube video recently where he had a black shirt with a signature and below it said "Las Vegas Boston Los Angeles" on it? I know it's trivial, I just like pairing the merch...
@Jay Cutler thank you bro. Your encouragement is my ultimate motivation!!! 0 junk food, 0 cheat meal. Just healthy food. I currently have about 9% bodyfat (with the clampl, but I still have the mos...
Soreness is good. Means you did something. I stay sore and love it. But the body part I'm working for the day is refreshed for the workout. Also what helps with Soreness if it's too much is i...
Thanks for the reply. I was just reading about the zig zagging diet in the Mass-ter Plan!
Who wants to chime in here.... I have never used or recommend Sarms to be honest. Watch for my J Mail on this guys...
John thanks for inspiring all of us, you can build muscle while cutting calories. Most people's problem, is they don't eat enough. I am cutting and gaining right now at the same time by zig z...
Damien you better be killing it brother. I'm going into the end of week eight.
Hey brother I'll take creatine and branch chain amino's pretty much every day. I do cardio pretty much 7 days a week so obv this accounts for the reason why.... def creatine daily... aminos are to...
Hang in there buddy. Just another pothole in the road to success.
Jay, I got a couple questions for you. Taking BCAA's right now. Gonna start taking creatine. 1. Can I mix the 2 together in a drink? 2. Should I take BCAA's every day or only on workout da...
Have a beautiful week my friends! I personnally start 12h week of the extreme shredded plan (DELOAD week 😎). Go to the leg day 💪💪. Be powerful!!!
I think we can drink calories when we are not able to eat calories from solid foods or we can have ealk If not feeling hungry on meal time. It works for me.
Stand tall and heal completely bro !