Lean body mass

  • when we talk about lean body mass to set the protein intake per pound (of leand body mass) we are talking only about the muscle mass of the body, right?

    recently i bought the "nutrition guide" (wich i find very very usefull) but yet im not familiarized with this concepts. 

    Thank you so much, grettings from Argentina!

  • @Federico Taffetani Yes sir, you will need to find a way to determine the body muscle mass, not total body weight. Base the total on lean (muscle) mass and remember to make adjustments as necessary as you lose fat and gain muscle.

  • @Steve Coffell thank you so much!

  • Yes lean body mass is how much muscle mass you carry. People have their preference on how to test their body fat obviously the water test being the most accurate. I have always done a Calebra test when training for competitions to be honest.

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