Training by feel..

  • HI Jay , I noticed in many of your videos you mention that you train by feel, and don't care what the weight is. I was thinking about taking this approach as well.

    But I'm not an advanced lifter, so I'm not sure if this would be recommended for me. I was wondering if I should just focus on sets, and staying in the 8-12 range, instead of using a training log.


    I'm just not sure how I'm going to ensure that I'm making progress over time, especially if I'm using the same weight all the time? I guess the weight will go up naturally as I make progress?


    My goal is to get bigger. I'm 155lbs and want to get up to 180 lbs. Any suggestions? Thanks.

  • Charles I would definitely keep a training log but more importantly take pictures every two weeks to track your progress. Basically the same poses, in the same light, and evaluate that way because it's hard to judge yourself in the mirror or trusting someone's opinions there's no better opinions than your own.

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