How many time should i rest between sets?

  • Hi Jay and everyone! Some people recomend rest 3-5 minutes between sets, but i found that to long. I only rest 45/60 seconds, and im wondering, is that too low? Is this derimmetral to gain muscle?  What do you recomend? Thank you so much!

  • @Federico Taffetani Jay answered this one a couple months ago and said about 45-60 seconds between sets

  • @Jeremy Roberts thanks!!

  • @Federico Taffetani Hi Federico. Taking 3 to 5 minutes rest between sets (and sometimes more) is more reserved for powerlifters and weightlifters. 

  • I always prefer 60 seconds. I always say 45/60 but it takes a while to build up to that short break between. It is true if you're really trying to build muscle some people rest 2 to 3 minutes but with high volume training and 10 to 12 repetitions I still recommend the 45/60.  I prefer to do fasted cardio in the morning on empty stomach (you're going to tap into body fat for energy easier,) but if you don't do cardio fasted you can perform after the work out is my suggestion.

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