Guidance for using "Train Like a Pro Stack" from Cutler Nutrition.

  • My Order from Cutler Nutrition just arrived ! 

    1. Train Like a Pro Stack 
    2. Fundamentals
    3. Turmeric Curcumin 

    What is your suggestion for the best use of these products during the week? 
    (Ie when to take them, when to refrain, etc) 

    Thanks Again. 

  • So always take your capsules in the middle of ur meal..... Triumph I take honestly before training.... I like to take pre 15 min before.... Generate during or post.... also the fundamentals I use in my pre mix


    Hope that helps bro.... I hope you kill it!!!

  • Sounds like the perfect road map ! Thanks again for your constant advice and support! 

    Also Gym Hub was Great, Nate and Jose were really welcoming. 

  • I will be in Gym Hub next week when I go up there for the Jay Cutler classic in Lynn Massachusetts.

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