Mass-Ter Plan

  • I recently bought the Mass-Ter Plan and when looking at the schedule I noticed that it's not organized into splits and the timing isn't as clear as it is in the other plans. Does anyone know how to make the Mass-Ter Plan into a 4 day split? Or should I just wing it? Also, what does the 2010 or 2011 tempo mean? Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 

  • @Lucas Musser Hi Lucas. Personnally, I recommended this 4-day plan with the MASS-TER ebook :

    Day 1 Calves, Chest & Arms 

    Day 2 Hamstrings, Quads & Abs 

    Day 3 calves, Shoulders & Traps, Triceps 

    Day 4 Back & Abs 

    And as for the number of 2010, I think it's the tempo of the exercice : 2 seconds for the negative phase, 0 means no pause, 1 second for the eccentric phase and final 0 means restarting the movement. 

  • @Damien Martinez 💪excellent! I knew someone could help me with to get down to 15% body fat so I can start it up..... I'm at like 23-24% thanks to the Shredded Extreme plan, it works really well but I've gotten to the point where it's undeniable I need more muscle so I'm going to use the High Volume plan to completion but continue with the Shredded diet of feeding the lean body me... 

  • @Lucas Musser Hi Bro. I think this is the best approach when you're a natural guy. Last year I went down to 8% bf, but I have to give up a little of muscle mass. This year I'm down to 10%, but my physique is more massive and suits me better, while remaining lean. I'll be starting the MASS-TER plan mid-september 💪💪

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