Greetings CC.
What do you guys use for your Meal prep containers. i realize i will be needing alot since meal prep is sunday and we are talking at least 4 meals a day to prep ( 1st and last i can make on my own ).
Glass or Plastic ? any hyper links to Amazon would help.
-Danny Hoff
Wow, this is a specific question :)! Glass is always better for health, if you're being really specific, but plastic is probably more convenient...
Also any idea on brand's that are reputable would sure help. Thanks.
Angie's been buying many off Amazon as I throw them away when I'm on my trips. As long as a home my protein and carbohydrates I'm happy.
@Danny Hoff personnally I use about 20 plastic container (I know it's not ideal for health) and I renew this stock regularly.
I don't buy the most expensive ones because I often throw them away.
I have bought the big box on amazon there like 49.99 and have 150 prep containers since I toss mine out since I'm always on the go
I use plastic while at work. I get mine at Walmart.