Massage Roller

  • Jay often advises in his newsletters, the use of a massage roller. I finally got it today. My morning fasted routine will now be : 30 minutes of power walking, following by 10-15 minutes of stretching with "adductors machine" and 10 minutes of back and leg roller massage & ball massage. What do you think of the routine? I'm 43 years old and have been moving weights for 28 years, it's really to take care of my joints! 

  • I prefer a massage roller after my cardio first thing in the morning. I know a lot of people prefer these new Thera guns but I think good old fashion rolling out and a lot of active release in deep tissue massage neuromuscular therapy is the best way to keep the muscles pliable and also keep your training safe.

  • @Jay Cutler thank you very much Jay for your answer. So I continue my protocol 💪. I try to do it 5 x week, usually in the morning very early and on an empty stomach. 

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