Cutler Clubs Future.

  • Greetings All. 

               I was wondering if I should re-up my renewal being it is coming up soon. 

               I am on the east coast so trying to make time for the live season at 11am on a saturday is really hard with family obligations, and i feel like that is the only plus to being in the club now. We used to have jay jump on once a month and comment/ encourage us but Jay himself hasent commented on anything in 3 months and i was wondering if they might be sunseting this platform soon? 

                Any thoughts on this would help. 




  • @Danny Hoff The live is posted so you can see even after... we have asked the best time for most and it seems to be the most suitable time.... I am still popping in here bro... and answering most ask Jay questions... our live is bi weekly

  • @Jay Cutler Thank you sir, much respect i was just wondering if this platform was sunseting. I will definitly stay on it this year since its still going! 

  • @Danny Hoff I am here brother if you have any questions

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